
Thursday, June 10, 2010

What Balqis has achieve so far....

Today Balqis Batrisya is 18 month 15 days. Till today the achievements are:
  1. Walking & running
  2. Scribble & holding pen or pencil
  3. Imitates others’ activities
  4. Eats with fingers & spoon
  5. Matches lids with appropriate containers
  6. pushes & pull things while walking (especially heavy things like my handbag, then will says, “mama, yatt” sambil buat muka)
  7. “Helps” around the house, especially picking up dirty clothes & put in basket
  8. Puts her fingers to her mouth & say “shhh
  9. Walks backwards
  10. can “read” board books on her own well & names simple picture in books
  11. Turns pages of books
  12. has temper tantrums when frustrated
  13. attached to soft toys & play feeding, dodi dols to tido and pretends that the dolls is her
  14. Discovers the joy of climbing… mm.. she climbs almost anything!!
  15. enjoy pretends games… pretending speaking to someone on phone, pretending sleeping, pretending to be mama and many more..
  16. speaks clearly although pelat
  17. throws & kick balls
  18. dance to music
  19. string two words
  20. brush teeth with help
  21. stack 4 or more thing not only blocks
  22. toilet training readiness. Tells when she wants to “poop” by saying, “mama, yak!” and “poop” at toilet bowl with help
  23. Washes & dries own hands
  24. understands I’m not sure how many words but almost anything we says.
  25. points to picture or object when I call it by name
  26. takes of own clothes
  27. Dumps an object in imitation as such throwing
  28. names several body parts. Aate (mata), dung (hidung), angan (tangan), inge (telinga), kuku, tati (kaki), eyut (perut), ambut (rambut), didi (gigi), idah (lidah), uyut (mulut), da’i (dahi), alee (kepala), yak (ketiak), pipi.
  29. follows request. Eg: “Balqis tolong amik telefon merah mama”, or “Balqis ambilkan remote” or Balqis mama nak iPod”
  30. Uses 50-0 words

- Aate (mata)

- dung (hidung)

- angan (tangan)

- inge (telinga)

- kuku

- tati (kaki)

- eyuut (perut)

- ambut (rambut)

- didi (gigi)

- idah (lidah)

- uuyut (mulut)

- da’i (dahi)

- alee (kepala)

- eyak (ketiak)

- pipi

- jom

- nak

- mama

- ayah

- a’mau (tak mau)

- a’kan (makan)

- asik (nasi)

- aayeer (air)

- yak (berak)

- tutu (susu)

- eemot (remote)

- eevvii (tv)

- eeyyat (berat)

- uujaan (hujan)

- dak (bedak)

- tak tik (pakcik)

- ok waan (tok wan)

- awwah (allah)

- awwah wat bar (allah hu akbar)

- pin (pin)

- pem (pen or pencil)

- daap (sedap)

- pak (nampak)

- nak nyih (nak ni)

- pok (tepuk tangan)

- puk (puk or pukul)

- eemut (selimut)

- tieh (terima kasih)

- owwa or bowa (bola)

- ewoon (belon)

- pah (sampah)

- pash (lipas)

- tuh (jatuh)

- pampu or pu (lampu)

- tu tak (chiku cak)

- tish tisya (balqis batrisya)

- nashh (panas)

- kokok (pokok)

- ayam

- eetik (itik)

- aajah (gajah)

- meow (feline species)

- bird

- be-bea or bea (bear)

- a..pah (zirafah)

- nyet (monyet)

- aetor (alligator)

- tel (turtle)

- oou (moo-lembu)

- unge (bunga)

- at’yik ot titiek (Patrick - sponge bob)

- nemo (clown fish)

- tup (tutup)

- kak (buka)

- tum (tumbkin song)

- kel (twinkle song)

- antal (bantal)

- imut (selimut)

- ejuk (sejuk)

- uuwah (buah)

- uku (buku)

- pon (telefon)

- ppod (iPod)

- ppon (iPhone)

- titop (laptop)

- nak nak (tak nak)

- ido (tido)

- ena (lena)

- mmmmah (muah-kiss)

- aumm (aumm makan sambil nganga mulut)

- amma (gambar)

- eeoorse (seahorse)

- ippon (Nippon paint)

  1. sings simple tune… Halimah gigi jongang song!! “ongang… ongang… ongan… imah didi ongang…
  2. open & close doors
  3. takes more interest in playing with other kids
  4. try to jump

I think that’s all that I can remember… J

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

my friend engagement day...

actually dah lama this event... but tak ter"post" samapi sekarang... terjumpa this picture.. terasa mcm nak "post".

something to share from my sister's post

This text quote from my youngest sister's post in her blog. Which I think good to share... Hope you'll enjooy reading and have some new info or ilmu for the day... :)

take from nature,benefits from nature,learn from nature, and give back to nature.

harini adalah pelajaran yang bagus dari ustad.
maaf ustad tak ingat la nama hang!haha
ustad aku foreigner so aku macam susah sikit nak ingat nama dia

anyway.tajuk hari ini

which is take, learn, benefits and give back to nature.

dia cakap bahawa nya kita sebagai manusia di muka bumi tuhan ni
memang tidak memiliki apa apa
bahkan nyawa kita juga bukan milik kita
so dia cakap

"when people question you, you can't simply answer "it's mylife!".it's wrong.because it is not your life.and when you did something causing people trouble,it's simply wrong to say "it's my life"."

kita memang tidak berhak untuk mengatakan nyawa itu hak milik kita huhu :(

apa yang milik kita sepenuhnya adalah
"trust" which is amanah given from Allah to us
jadi kita sebagai seorang muslim haruslah
menjaga amanah yang diberikan oleh Nya
kita patut berbangga kan?sebab Dia dah bagi amanah kat kita
sebab Allah mempercayai kita

bukan sahaja kita bertanggungjawab atas diri sendiri
tapi benda disekeliling yang dah diberikan
kita kena jaga jugak

jadi bila kita makan,tidur,mandi
semua adalah ibadah
sebab kita menjaga badan yang diberikan oleh Allah
we were given reward just to sleep
but our intention is important.

apabila kita dah mengambil tanggungjawab terhadap diri sendiri
kita juga ada tanggungjawab kepada alam sekitar

which he said earlier,

"animals, plants, everything was made for use,to learn.but we have take the responsibility to take care of them.take good care of a tree after cutting a tree."

jadi dia ada tunjukkan satu hadith
yang mengatakan bahawa Nabi Muhammad SAW sendiri tidak membunuh anak ikan. kerana ikan tu masih kecik.

selain tu ada juga hadith yang mengatakan
Allah menghukun seorang wanita,kerana dia tidak memberi makan atau minum terhadap seekor kucing atau melepas kan nya untuk mencari makanannya sendiri

selepas aku dah hafal ah hadith ni wei!!!!!
aku rasa aku mungkin dapat A dalam subjek ni :p

seterusnya sebagai kesimpulan

  1. kita ni hanyalah hamba Allah.semua daripadaNya.
  2. harus beringat siapa kita sebenarnya
  3. bertanggungjawablah dengan apa yang dilakukan.walaupun tidak serta merta.akan ada akibatnya.seperti kita hadapi sekarang,global warming.kan?if only all people have this awareness.the world wouldn't have any problem
  4. nama ustad foreigner memang susah nak ingat.
  5. aku mungkin dapat A sem ni?

aku lebih sayang binatang :)

aku harap berguna la jugak post aku ni.sebab selama ni asyik cite pasal aku je.haha.just something to ponder.if i have made a mistake there and here,i'm sorry.i am still learning.please give comments if you guys have something to say

note" ustad ni best aku recommend budak uia yang amek unggas :)