
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

balqis is sick...

She is sick again... baru jer last week demam panas (6th July 2009)... and last-last week (23rd June 2009)..that is the first time she had high fever. Which I had to had 1/2 day EL take her home from nanny's house to s her doctor... I was panic coz her nanny told me her temperature that time was 38.8 degree... that's hell very high....

Now she's sick again since last Friday... We thought it was just normal fever. Coz she's happily playing like normal and smiling around, just she had high temperature. But last Sunday evening at about 4.15pm... she woke up from sleep not looking well and very weak. She's bearly open her eyes and not a single smile seen. I touch and feel her forehead... My God so HOT!! We quickly give her 1.5ml dose of medicine. We are panic and quickly changed clothes prepared to go to nearest hospital (Columbia Asia that is). We quickly took her to emergency unit (coz it's Sunday Clinics are closed). The nurse take her temperature and weight. The thermometer stated 38.8 degree. Ya Allah!! tinggi nyer!! entah berapalah temperature my daughter at home before taking the medicine. (mana tak panik dalam amik ubat pun bole temperature burst) Patutla lembik... The doctor ask us whether want to admit her or not? Since the doctor said it was the same whether at home or at the hospital... we agreed to take her home with guide how to take care of her.

Doctor prescribe her medicine with antibiotics. the medicine prescribed are the same as what we had given her... except for the antibiotics cos that one we can't keep them after 5 days. Till today she is still sick but her temperature doesn't hike like last Sunday. We straight away went to nearest pharmacy to buy thermometer for us to monitor her temperature at home.

Hopefully she'll be better tomorrow. I have to work... mana ada company nak bagi cuti lelama.. EL lak tu...

1 comment:

  1. kesiannn dia, get well soon ya balqis... :-D
