Sunday, December 30, 2007

back from raya hari in my husband village...

mmm.... lamanya rasa raya kat sana.... penat.. hari2 raya rumah sedara..... ada lagi yang tak sempat nak pergi... we all jalan pun slow and steady sb my husband leg was broken.... so can not go fast fast laa... :) ingat bole dok lama lagi with my hubby... tapi dah kene kerja.. and my hubby got to go back to kulim.... mmmm... bosannya... my parents pun tak sempat nak jumpa sb itu hari balik hari rabu (26th Dec '07)... mama dah tolak balik to KB. I was too tired to drive home the day before coz of cleaning work activities at my hubby house in Kulim... so we decided to depart on the 26th Dec '07 morning....

mmmm... just now i just make a call to my mother.. to know is everything okey. My father supposed to be in the surgery room yesterday for his hearth surgery (minimal one-put a spring in called blooning). mmm... my mom sound soo sad... i'm worried... and wonder is there anything or something is wrong. My father should go for his by-pass now coz the doc said his heart, worsen then before. So my mom is the only one there in the hospital from yesterday without sleep and bath. Waaarghh... i hope i would be there for them!!! but my cuti was rejeted... :(

hope everything would be okey and fine.... Subhanallah.... what should i do?? bulan nie pon sengkek giler... dalam bank dah abis licin.... raya punya pasal.... :'(

Thursday, December 06, 2007

while waiting....

Here are some pictures of us while waiting for my parents and other relative to come to send me (hantar menantu) ceremony.... these pictures are tken by me myself and hubby using my compact digicam (sony P10) tua dah cam nie.... since 2002 if not mistaken...

here are some scenery around the house (my husband) that i manage to capture... nice and calm....

tok tengah tarik tikar yang basah....

the making....

the making of tempat letak dodol....

the making of barangan hantaran....

the 'making' of wedding kek

pendekar-pendekar .. (hihihihi)



bunga telur..
the making of papan tanda...

sesi fotografi di pantai bachok


here are some pictures taken by my brothers during the event, for all of those couldn't make to my wedding ceremony to view....

walking down for "upacara batal air sembahyang"

sarung cincin

with all my brothers and sister (in bedroom)


potong kek

tengah bersiap...

with my parents...

with my siblings...

with his parents...